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Ishq Vishk (2003) Movie Review

Ishq Vishk (2003)  Movie Review

Rajiv (Shahid Kapoor) needs to be one of the famous children of his school. Notwithstanding, because of the absence of a sweetheart, Danny (Shabhi) and Javed (Kapil Jhaveri) mock him and his dearest companion Mambo. Javed and Danny plan an excursion to Alibagh and welcome Rajiv and Mambo to show up with young ladies. Rajiv chooses to ask Payal (Amrita Rao), his saved beloved companion, to turn into his sweetheart and tells her that he's enamored with her. He does that just for the excursion as he doesn't trust in affection and committed relationships. Payal responds his "sentiments" and concurs, as she has been infatuated with him since their school days. The two of them begin investing energy with one another, and Rajiv discovers that Payal loves him. Then, at that point, comes the ideal opportunity for the excursion, and by some influence, Payal is permitted by her dad to go. The two of them go with Danny, Javed, and their lady friends and stay at Danny's ocean side house; in any case, Rajiv's beverage is bound by Danny, and, being inebriated, he gets into mischief with Payal. Payal understands that Rajiv doesn't adore her and slaps him. After the 12 PM cookout occurrence, Danny and Javed's lady friends attempt to clear the misconception by causing Payal to comprehend that Danny was the justification behind Rajiv's mischief at a tipsy state, so Rajiv wasn't to blame. Rajiv doesn't acknowledge her statement of regret and requests her to kiss him in front from everybody. Payal will not say that she doesn't have to demonstrate her affection by doing such a modest demonstration. Their relationship self-destructs, and Rajiv challenges that he'll have the school's most excellent sweetheart. Rajiv's closest companion Mambo (Vishal Malhotra), who was on the side of Rajiv and Payal's cordial connection, doesn't this way and demands that he gets back with Payal. In any case, Rajiv reproaches him. 

Before long, Alisha Sahay (Shenaz Treasury), a snazzy and wonderful young lady, begins at Spencer College. Rajiv is stricken by her and figures out how to charm her with the assistance of his companion Love Guru (Yash Tonk). In the mean time, Mambo and Payal become close, Mambo attempts to brighten her up and consistently be with her. Payal actually really likes Rajiv and is quietly harmed at seeing Alisha and Rajiv together. By the by, she keeps on conversing with Rajiv and wishes him a cheerful birthday. Rajiv is shocked in light of the fact that Payal and not Alisha tried to wish him first, as Alisha is occupied with her demonstrating shoot. Rajiv begins seeing that Payal and Mambo are approaching, which concerns him a ton. Rajiv is astounded to track down Payal at his birthday celebration in a bar. Payal gets passionate and lets him know she currently imagines that her perspectives about affection were off-base, and that is the reason Rajiv is so content with Alisha, something which was not with Payal. Mambo and Rajiv get into a fight due to Payal, and Alisha gradually begins hating Payal. The last bit of trouble that will be tolerated is when Alisha sees Rajiv and Payal talking, and she gains from a shared companion that they were together before she entered the school. She goes up against Payal, acts discourteously with her, and blames her for taking her beau. Mambo attempts to shield Payal, and Alisha puts him off, which angers him. Rajiv and Mambo get into a major battle. Alisha and Rajiv leave with everybody blaming him for battling with his companions. At Alisha's level, Rajiv can't imagine whatever else yet how Payal cherished him and let her go, and how after their separation, she actually focused on him and the new battle. Alisha gets shaky and continues to request that he proclaim his adoration. He, envisioning Alisha to be Payal, embraces her and says, "I love you, Payal." 

At the Farewell party of the school, Rajiv apologizes to Mambo with an idea that Mambo was intending to propose to Payal. He then, at that point, understands his misstep as Payal actually adores him, and Mambo was her companion. Rajiv attempts to apologize to Payal, yet she doesn't pay attention to him. Rajiv then, at that point, takes the mic and openly apologizes to Payal. He tells her he adores her a ton, despite the fact that she probably won't trust him. Payal is as yet irate with him and lets him know that doing a dramatization before everybody and announcing his affection won't make her yield. Rajiv remains before her and looks pleadingly at her. Payal is persuaded that Rajiv loves her and accepts him. Alisha comes there and observes Rajiv and Payal moving on a sluggish tune. She is sorry to Payal for her conduct and wishes them best of luck. The film closes with Rajiv and Payal's dance.


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